Intelligence does not necessarily equate to a possession of common sense.

Great read, and on mark, Dean.

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Danke, Lady Michele. Sometimes I take comfort in preaching to the choir. Yeah. it's redundant, but therapeutic, too. I'm selfish that way :)

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As long as you keep voicing the truth - more will hear you. You do make a difference Dean.

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Jul 28Liked by Dean Scoville

This is a proper 5D "Chess" analysis articulated in a way that resonates and chimes chorally, symphonetically and metaphysically.

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Jul 28Liked by Dean Scoville

Excellent read, Dean. I am completely unnerved by the number of Mensans proclaiming themselves Marxists and adding their voices to the collective groupthink. I was telling my wife about this yesterday: I simply cannot believe these individuals have IQs north of 140. They completely ignore facts and well laid arguments presented to them and resort to personal attacks to get their points across. Hardly what I expected to see.

I have come to believe the people we see constantly spewing idiocy in the community are a very vocal minority while the majority are sitting back and laughing at their lunacy.

I honestly don’t see why you bother to bring enlightenment to the apes - they are a lost cause.

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Danke, Sir Anthony. There’s a strong possibility that I am something of a sadist. Or a masochist. Why else would I volunteer myself to such bloodletting as that abattoir of an arena? Ffs :)

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